Snowdrop Oinment

Snowdrop Oinment

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Planet: Mercury/Moon

Element: Water

Gender: Feminine 

Deities: Hermes, Brighid 


Snowdrop, also known as Galanthus Nivalis, Moly or perce-neige, is a poisonous flower found throughout many legends, mythology and literary arts, often used as a symbol of new beginnings, purity, light, communication and protection. Snowdrop contains compound Galantamine, which is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used modernly to prevent and treat alzheimers, dementia, schizophrenia and to increase REM sleep in patients with autism. Studies show that galantamine is far more tolerated when used transdermally as opposed to orally,, and snowdrop is also too dangerous to use in any fashion aside from transdermally. Galantamine is used to alleviate symptoms of anticholinergic poisonings. Many dream workers now use galantamine isolates as oneirogens and to get a more satisfying sleep. Snowdrop is now known to be the plant known within several continents' mythology called "Moly" (fun fact: the term "holy moly" is actually in reference to snowdrop) in the Odyssey, Moly was gifted to Odysseus by Hermes in order to prevent the poisoning of circe, who had turned his men into "pigs" through the usage of Hyoscyamus Niger. It's also said to be the symbol of Brighid and is sacred during imbolc. This ointment is used largely for protection against dark magick, grounding, banishing, illuminating, communication and as a tool to mitigate effects of baneful poisoning.